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Engineered Materials and Devices for Phototherapy and Optogenetics — 转化医学STAR论坛


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张勇教授,新加坡工程院院士,现任香港城市大学讲座教授兼生物医学工程系系主任,并入选香港政府杰出创科学人计划(Global STEM Professorship Scheme)、英国皇家化学学会会士;被科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)评为全球最具影响力的科学家之一,列入斯坦福大学和Elsevier BV评选的世界前2%科学家。在加入香港城市大学之前,担任新加坡国立大学教务长、讲席教授,并在生物医学工程系从事教学、科研和行政工作,拥有超过20年的工作经验。在科研方面,研发的新型材料和器件用于分子成像、检测、即时疾病诊断、光基因和光动力肿瘤治疗等应用。已发表SCI论文300余篇,包括 Nature Medicine、Nature Biomedical Engineering、Nature Communications、The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences、Advanced Materials、Chemical Reviews、Chemical Society Reviews 等。在国际会议上发表了70多次全体/主旨/特邀演讲,并获得了洪堡研究奖和国际工程学会著名工程成就奖等多个奖项。



Light has proven useful in a wide range of biomedical applications such as optogenetics and photodynamic therapy (PDT). Optogenetics use light to active light-responsive proteins that modulates a specific cell function and PDT uses light to active light-sensitive drugs that produce reactive oxygen species for cell killing. PDT has been clinically proven effective in treating early lung, bladder, head and neck cancer and is the primary treatment for skin cancer. However, their clinical applications are severely constrained by the low penetration depth of UV/visible light through thick tissue, limiting its use to target areas only a few millimeters deep. One way to improve the range is to use nanomaterials or miniaturized devices as transducers to convert deep-tissue penetrating radiations to UV/visible light suitable for activating light-sensitive proteins/drugs, extending the depth. We have demonstrated some new treatment modalities for wireless optogenetics and cancer phototherapy in deep tissues using nanomaterials, hydrogel implants, and radiofrequence-activated micro-LEDs. Use of these technologies can be extended to other light-based applications.

