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— “院·望”系列讲座



Edward A. Boyle,国际著名海洋地球化学家,美国科学院院士、美国麻省理工学院教授,2020年受聘担任上海交通大学海洋学院讲席教授。


For the past two centuries, humans have increased the flux oflead (Pb) into the earth surface environment by several fold, peaking atabout 20 fold in the mid-1970’s. Almost all of the Pb in the ocean is fromthese anthropogenic emissions, and it is hard to find places in the oceanwhere the natural Pb is detectable. These emissions provide a global“experiment” on how Pb and other heavy metals move through the ocean.I will present some of the results of oceanic Pb measurements from thepast few decades including the international GEOTRACES project whichis determining the global distribution of trace elements and their isotopes.The perspective from this recent data is supplemented by historicalrecords from the past few centuries contained in corals.

2019年10月-11月,在成立周年之际,海洋学院依托学院优厚师资力量,推出 “院·望”院士系列讲座活动,面向全校师生开放。来自中国科学院和中国工程院的5位院士从物理海洋、海洋地质、海洋战略与管理等多个学科方向,聚焦海洋强国建设,带来了高层次的学术报告。


2020年12月2日,美国科学院院士、麻省理工学院教授、上海交通大学海洋学院讲席教授Edward A. Boyle将带来题为“全球铅排放的演变历程( The Evolving Global Lead Emission Experiment )”的讲座。后续还有多位专家继续带来精彩的学术讲座。学院将通过网站及官方微信发布具体场次的时间与地点信息,敬请关注。
